The hemp industry is quickly becoming a lucrative investment opportunity, with companies such as Altria Group, Inc. taking note of the potential. With consumers of all kinds increasing demand for hemp-derived products, now is the time to consider investing in the production and processing of hemp for CBD oil. The country's largest grocery retailer, Kroger, has announced that it will sell topical CBD products at 945 locations in 17 states.
Since 1998, it has been legal to cultivate hemp, but producers had to receive a special production permit from the Drug Enforcement Agency due to its relationship with marijuana. However, there are now fewer transport restrictions at the plant and fewer risks for the farmers and producers involved. Research-backed studies have revealed a wide range of CBD oil benefits, from treating anxiety and stress to reducing the risk of diabetes and obesity. A recent CNN article reported that cannabidiol, the non-psychoactive ingredient in hemp and marijuana, could treat opioid addiction.
Administered to patients with heroin addiction, CBD reduced their cravings for the illicit drug, as well as their levels of anxiety. Hemp has the strongest and longest vegetable fiber in the world, resistant to rot and abrasion. It can be found in bags, nets, tarps, carpets and more. In an attempt to be more environmentally friendly, Levi Strauss & Co.
created a new clothing line that “feels the same as cotton, but is partly made with hemp”. Hemp requires much less water and land to grow than other materials, and its total carbon footprint is about half that of cotton. Many farmers say that growing hemp is much more profitable than other plants in this new environment due to the high demand for CBD. Hemp oil is not only in demand for medicinal and recreational purposes, but it is also extremely useful in the manufacture of products such as cars, construction items, textiles and even furniture. Kentucky entrepreneurs who manufacture, market or distribute delta-8 THC products could be prosecuted according to a letter sent in April by the state Department of Agriculture to hemp licensees.
Hemp can be made into a wide variety of products from rope to floorboards, granola and dog treats. Mark from the University of Kentucky believes there is a bright future for the production of hemp fiber and grains. For those who believe in the future of hemp but don't have time to research individual companies, ETFs or indices might be the best option. A bill recently passed by the Oregon legislature would prohibit retailers from selling delta-8 THC to minors and require state regulators to limit the concentration of THC in hemp products. Kentucky issues special licenses to producers who store old hemp crops instead of planting new ones. Another way to take advantage of the CBD's ancillary space is to take a look at a name like KushCo Holdings which supplies hemp companies with FDA-approved packaging.
With Canada's most lenient policy on medical marijuana, researchers find it easier to cultivate and research all the cannabinoids present in marijuana. An ETF allows investors to take advantage of the dramatic peaks and falls of owning individual hemp companies without having to worry about researching each one individually. Yes, many of these stocks have already had large circulation but the hemp industry is still in its early stages.