Hemp is a plant of the Cannabaceae family cultivated for its hare fiber or its edible seeds. It is used to make a variety of commercial and industrial products, including ropes, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulators, and biofuels. Hemp contains small amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a compound that produces psychoactive effects in humans, compared to that cultivated for the production of marijuana or hashish. The vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in hemp seeds can provide some important health benefits.
Hemp oil is rich in vitamin E, which is useful in helping to maintain the functioning of the immune system and acts as an antioxidant. The ligands and span of the stems are removed for use in a number of commercial products. The long fiber strands extracted from the stem make clothing and accessories extremely durable. Hemp is also used to create CBD products, such as those sold here at Premium Jane.
CBD is obtained from the flowers and leaves of the hemp plant. Hemp seeds are known to be an incredible source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, proteins, dietary fiber, and several minerals. Hemp protein contains more protein and healthy fats than almond milk, but fewer calories than cow's milk. It is considered a “complete” protein because it contains all nine essential amino acids that humans require from food.
There is currently a lot of discussion going on about the use of hemp to produce biofuels, known as bioethanol and biodiesel. Biofuel is the term given to fuels made from plants and hemp fuel is a form of cellulosic ethanol made from the fibrous stems of the hemp plant. The debate between hemp and cotton has raged for decades. Before the cotton industry took off, hemp was used to make clothes because of the fibrous stems of the crop.
Hemp fiber is quite versatile and its use in textiles and clothing is one of its main claims of fame. Hemp plastic is strong enough to replace oil-based plastics filled with hazardous chemicals and it is 100% biodegradable. Hemp milk is produced from the seeds of the plant and it has an earthy, nutty flavor. It is full of protein and healthy fats, while being low in calories.
Hemp oil offers a more natural alternative capable of restoring and repairing nails when used as nail polish. With many years of appreciation in the health industry, hemp oil is becoming increasingly popular in the beauty sector. Some specially processed types of hemp have a whitish color and an attractive luster and are used to make linen-like fabrics for clothing. Hemp plants are almost always grown outdoors unlike marijuana plants which are often planted in greenhouses or indoor crops.
Replacing hemp seed oil with other types of oil in your diet may be an easy and safe way to reduce skin irritation.